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Vision 2030 is Odessa College's planning initiative focused on serving needs, addressing workforce gaps, modernizing facilities, and adding more community engagement.

It starts with
our community. 

Vision 2030 Planning Committee

The Vision 2030 process began with residents of our community. The Vision 2030 Planning Committee was a diverse group of faculty, students, community leaders, and local business and industry partners. Across three months, this hands-on committee met to explore workforce trends, enrollment numbers, program capacities, financial reports, and facility conditions. These community members were helped shape a vision for the future of Odessa College that better serves the needs of Odessa.

Committee Members

Dr. Gregory Williams​
Tara Deaver​
Dr. Tim Benton​
Kim McKay​
Heather Patton​
Colton Grahmann​
Craig Stoker​
Jacqui Gore​
Dawn Weaks​
Gerardo Ramirez​
Cruz Castillo​
Dr. Gene White


Shem Culpepper​
Wesley Burnett​
Chris Stanley​
Tim O’Reilly​
Chris E. Walker​
David Boutin​
Keagan Scott​
Ryan Merritt​
Connie Coots​
Gail Dickerson​
Gary Johnson​
Lori Fierro-Iverson​


Renee Earls​
Dr. Tramaine Anderson​
Allisa Cornelius​
Valerie Acosta​
Jason Berridge​
Jimmy Breaux​
Brance Davis​
Esparanza Garcia​
Randy Ham​
Dr. Scott Muri​
Dr. Rohith Saravanan​
Lindsey Bryant​


Monica Tschauner​

Dr. Tara Deaver

Dr. Tramaine Anderson- Silvas
Gilbert Vasquez​
Courtney Wardlaw​
Dr. Tiffani Price​
Yolanda Gonzales​
Brian Jones​
Brandy Ham​
Ken Zartner​
Robert Rivas​
Jason Meldrum​
Alexa Moulakis​

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The following items were taken into consideration when creating Vision 2030: Current & Future Programs, Discovery Activities, Demographics, Enrollment Figures, Facility Assessments, Campus Needs

Current & Future Programs​

Discovery Activities​


Enrollment Figures​

Facility Assessments​

Campus Needs​

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The Vision 2030 Planning Committee toured the Odessa College campus to assess facility conditions, gaining valuable insights into challenges and opportunities. These firsthand evaluations helped identify areas for improvement and develop targeted strategies, ensuring our plans address the real needs of our students and community.

Uniting for a Brighter Future

The committee's charge was to create a plan that represents and provides opportunities for their community. By prioritizing needs and understanding available resources, they arrived at innovative solutions that balance utility across current and future faculty, students, and the community. Their efforts built a plan to strengthen the community, making Odessa a place where people seek to live, work, grow, and learn.

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